

We are a volunteer run non-profit 501c3 organization. Your donation directly supports SLVMS students.

You can donate via credit card via paypal. Suggested donation is $50/year.

Check donations can be made out to “SLVMS Panther Club” and dropped off in Panther's green folder in the SLVMS office or by mailing them to:

San Lorenzo Valley Middle School Panther Club

7159 Hacienda Way

Felton, CA 95018

Download our non-profit status 501(c)(3) certificate.

Employer Matching Donations

There are 100s of employers that match employee donations to non-profit organizations. You can use to check your company — though checking directly with your company is better.

Prominent companies that match donations are Apple, Google, Kaiser, Adobe, Cisco, Intel and Palo Alto Medical.

Find more information here and/or contact us at and

Paypal Donations

Suggested donation is $50/year. With paypal, recurring payments of $5/month are possible.

Wilds Roots Markets donate 5%: Purchase gift cards on code 702 for SLV Middle School and shop